Thursday, January 31, 2013

Entering the Blogging World

First – the introductions; I am Debbie Stanton, professional longarm machine quilter. This is not just a job for me...I truly love what I do and wish to bring my artistic mind's eye to enhance the beauty of a quilt top. I know my customers have spent hours designing and creating their top, and as part of that “team” I will handle it as respectfully as if it were my own.

My goal is to share with you what I know about quilting, as well as pictures of my customers' quilts and the processes that were gone through to design and execute the finished quilting plan. And, it is a plan, one that often requires oodles of doodles!

When I started this business, I wanted to take advantage of my own design sensibilities. I'm a doodler from way back, and after all, the quilting is similar to doodling over the face of the quilt. So, I bought no pantograph patterns, wanting not to merely copy another designer's work. It takes longer this way, sure, but what is the fun of following a line on paper? Of course, that doesn't mean I don't “borrow” ideas from the more creative quilters out there!

So, I hope this will be as much fun for you as it is for me. Join me!